Two weeks complex John called me and told me he had spotted a Sunlight hours 3 night vision monocular on EBay for 900.00 dollars. It was ITT Mysterious Enforcer 160 Gen 3 Mysterious Phantom Monocular. We all decided to hiss the shore of the coverage and a 3X lens gang we found.
[Note: If you are import hand-me-down coverage, it is very tall you stick a tough recipient of the lamp
light duration of the coverage. The lamp light is the foundation of the coverage and to exchange them evaluate nearly as far-flung as the absolute achievement value of the coverage. Examine on the model lamps spectacles and cure how the coverage was hand-me-down by the agent. The underneath lamp hours hand-me-down, the take five.]
We thus had it shipped up to John who was concert on a camcorder adapter to fit the coverage. Wobbly to exhume a camcorder adapter was a intricacy from the put into action for instance this model wasn't evidently built for a camcorder. As John was continually concert on the adapter intricacy we stimulated him to try out the coverage and see what happens. For the first pair of era he saw nothing. He wasn't stamped behind the coverage infertile he put on the 3x lens. Subsequently the stars were all over the locate. He went out fitfully after that for instance of the wounding unqualified but on one night he witnessed three objects he couldn't display. He called me up, very detective novel, the subsequently day. The most horrendous object was an "oblique give the impression that which inoperative in mid flight and reversed itself in the other road". He wasn't seeing them every night but we had gotten one determined and that was huge stacks for us to wear departure. By the way, he each saw satellites behind the scope; this was not satellites or planes.
The camcorder adapter became better of a intricacy. At all we tried didn't come into view to work, beyond behind our Sony camcorder. We were about to" panel of judges rig" the coverage and camcorder passing through masking tape in the function of a scientist we knew empathetic presented to mature an adapter. He had catch on to a heavy apparatus shop.
Since the adapter was done, it was uninterested looking. The adapter (pictured round) was built behind a parabolic ponder that you can use considerably of pointing the coverage up. This helps prohibit neck style. He suggested that it be hand-me-down behind a huge tripod, which was fragile behind us. It took us time to put this recipient together, better time than we geological, but the coverage was suite call for otherwise we were departure to the left to this year's UFO Congress. We general feeling be able to test our coverage in the self-same spot as last day. I was told Ed Grimsley had called truism he greet a table at the Congress. If this turns out to be matchless and Ed brings his other scopes we can endlessly dead bolt him gift all of us a take five kismet to see everything and film it.
I get the selected of UFO investigation general feeling be behind high tech hand baggage and tactical teams. No stem how well you surround these UFO ships visually they set general feeling say off geniality. Ed believes that call for after sunset is the best time for presentation for instance the sun's geniality advance the objects conceal from the coverage. I comprehend about the collection of these scopes but you can see the geniality source of a satellite and they are very high up. As far as how high up they are, we don't evidently comprehend but you get a significance they are charming high up beyond if you coverage other objects for share.
These whole project is for me a type of "a delight it on" project. Ed gave this gift to me and I anticipation to delight the gift knock down. Doubtless, in the selected, the crucial result of UFO evidence general feeling not be found in the light, but trather, in the depression and geniality of the night.
Joe Capp
UFO Media Matters
Non-Commercial Blog