Major Marcel was the intelligence officer for the most elite military group in the world, the 509th which dropped the atomic bombs on Japan in 1945 and 2 more in 1946. Commander Colonel Blanchard went on to be a 4 star general and Vice Chief of Staff of the USAF. Kaufmann was shown to be a fraud by serious ufologists not debunkers. No mention is made of the primary draw in Roswell the International UFO Museum and Research Center which has had almost 3 million visitors. One might as well say there were no battles in Gettysburg or Fredericksburg because they have become major tourist centers. Splendid example of research by proclamation rather than investigation. For shame.
Major Marcel was the intelligence officer for the most elite military group in the world, the 509th which dropped the atomic bombs on Japan in 1945 and 2 more in 1946. Commander Colonel Blanchard went on to be a 4 star general and Vice Chief of Staff of the USAF. Kaufmann was shown to be a fraud by serious ufologists not debunkers. No mention is made of the primary draw in Roswell the International UFO Museum and Research Center which has had almost 3 million visitors. One might as well say there were no battles in Gettysburg or Fredericksburg because they have become major tourist centers. Splendid example of research by proclamation rather than investigation. For shame.
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