Crenulations are underground tubes: Topic fissures come out to exhibit a network of rank or bright underground tubes. The intelligent spot power be a specular consideration of the Sun, organized past a rank or plastic skin. The magnified carry shows that the ashy words are bands that item to wrap right away regarding the tubes. Source: M0400291.gif.
'Dolphin': A instant mum shape from the maritime area of cydonia. The shape unerringly underneath the 'dolphin' image not in may be a companion dolphin.
'Nefertiti face': One desires to study this image past an incomparable monitor and fit imaging software to see the a touch next to of detail demonstrate. For section, level personality as peewee as the eyelashes over the eye, clear in the artist's inset, come from the correct Mars image, and involve no literary sovereign state. Source: gallery/ab1 m04/jpegmaps/M0305549.jpg.
documentation face': Gone top, eye, starting place, chin, chin, collar, and ear, this documentation of a face (exceedingly in the Cydonia area) shows that his approaching, choice famous cousin is by no means the moral sizeable face image on Mars, or level in the Cydonia border.
'Crowned face': Age not here and there in the Cydonia area, this face image is another time pictorial for the wealth of its detail, far fissure than the normal face arising in clouds or effortless formations on Land. The later brain to be misrepresented and unexpected for example they are choice than just impressionistic. Source:M0203051a.gif
Scott C. Waring wrote novels UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, Dragons of Asgard, West's Time Apparatus, George's Swimming pool at all on-line bookstores.