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Inviolable Forgotten - J. Douglas Kenyon (ed.)
Posted Regal 13th, 2005 by Greg
* Reviews
A look over of /Forbidden History: Outer space Conciliation,
Obsolete Technologies, and the Dormant Parentage of Civilization/,
abbreviated by J. Douglas Kenyon. Rest and Co. [Inviolable Forgotten]
/By Colin Wilson/
This is a book that infuriated emission of looking back in me, for a dozen duration ago, for instance the tremors of the interdict highest achievement insurgence were correct start off to peevish the world of sharp archaeology, I happened to be attach to its seismic center. For all appropriate purposes, this consisted of two men: the revolutionary Egyptologist John Anthony West, and the Boston geologist Robert Schoch.
One day in the autumn of 1993, I traditional out of the blue a send off from John West, containing a magazine article describing how he had clearly the control sketch perpetrator Outspoken Domingo to go including him to Cairo including a grasp to studying the face of the Sphinx, and elastic his look on on whether it may possibly be the pharaoh Chefren, the originator of the blaze pyramid. Domingo, said the article, had compared the face of the Sphinx including the head of Chefren in the Cairo Museum, and realize that the tight spot was no. The chin of the Sphinx is improved than Chefren's, and the angle from the ear to the chatterbox is absolutely peculiar. And this, said the article, seemed to instruct in Schoch's go bust that the weathering of the Sphinx was caused by rain, not by wind-blown shingle, and that the monument is possibly sphere-shaped five thousand duration melancholy than it is by and large understood to be.
All this rapturous me, for I had been overwhelmed by West's 1979 book
/Serpent in the Sky/, which summarized the views of that soaring
prudent and Egyptologist Schwaller de Lubicz, and realize by
citing his cartel that Mature Egypt was occupied sphere-shaped 9,000 BC by survivors from the fragment of Atlantis, and that this explained the enormously high undeviating of its scholarship in pharaonic get older.
I did not expose West and had never contacted him. But his send off was a hip detachment of synchronicity, for I was thought to edge a book
arguing that Egypt was the progeny to Atlantis, and was recurrent along with practicing on a film characters for the producer Dino de Laurentis, based on the identical hypothesis.
It was not longing after this that I met John West in New York, and conversant from him that a fellow Englishman named Graham Hancock was calligraphy a book arguing that refinement is thousands of duration melancholy than we assume. And John in addition to told me about the Canadian librarian, Rand Flem-Ath, who was calligraphy a book that theorized that the site of Atlantis had been at the South Rod. The outcome was that for instance I got leg to England, I wrote to Graham Hancock and Rand Flem-Ath, and was quickly in pleasant correspondence including any. Graham legitimate me to entrance his book
/Fingerprints of the Gods/ in its primeval motif, and for instance he and his descent stuff to our house one Sunday, he and his other half Santha were horribly strapped for cash, having dragging the advance on journey and research. and were praying that his book would conserve their boundary controller at bay.
It did choice, of course - complete him a millionaire, and complete the entire literate delegation meet including his cartel that refinement possibly dates leg at least twelve thousand duration, to the end of the last Ice Age. My own book /Before the Sphinx/ (whose assign my publisher insisted on changing to /From Atlantis to the Sphinx/, to get 'Atlantis' in) came out in May 1996, and managed to struggle on to the best broker list for few weeks, bring to mind excitement in my publisher and boundary controller.
I in addition to became acquainted including Rand Flem-Ath, was delighted by his theory that Atlantis was in Antarctica, and wrote an first course to his first book /When the Sky Fell/. It was Rand who introduced me to /Atlantis Rising/ for instance, in 1998, he sent me a produce offspring of the magazine including his article conceive from Atlantis', arguing that the unadventurous, grid-like prototypical of the dispatch of hundreds of the earth's set apart sites indicates that they were laid out by a proto-Atlantean refinement. He in addition to suggested that he and I must plot on a book about the theory, and I agreed plump, resulting in a two go out with keep up
that resulted in /The Atlantis Blueprint/.
/Forbidden History/, abbreviated by J. Douglas Kenyon, tells the lime story, and far choice, for Doug Kenyon happened to be one of individuals editors of expert whose allude to was on the shudder of the bright insurgence of the of that period, and who commissioned articles that tiled the lime story from the carcass first showing of Immanuel Velikovsky to Graham Hancock's exploration of the underwater architecture of Yonaguni. The outcome is a mesmerizing chronicle of history in the cage of event. It feels
at get older parallel being in the Boundary marker de la Bastille on the day the French Modify strapped for cash out.
Otherwise induction inside its major contentions, /Forbidden History/ fires a few outlet salvos including Command Hart's look over of /The Tidings of Life: Shattering the Myth of Darwinism/, by Richard Milton. Milton is a
science novelist, whose book /Alternative Science/ sits by my bedside.
It considers every of the concept the move quickly science has condemned, parallel chilliness joining, telepathy and bioenergy, and mounts a powerfully defense. His other book /The Tidings of Life/ is not anti-Darwin, but it is anti the temperament of constricted move quickly Darwinism that reduces structure to a senseless contrivance. Milton does an fine negative job on Richard Dawkins,
and offers an exciting comment on of the half-forgotten 'vitalist' Hans Dreisch, whose accepted wisdom circumnavigate out to be far-off sounder than the Neo-Darwinists call. Hope Goethe, Milton sees structure as a vivacious force, matched of self-repair and nation. And as merrymaking who acquired his first imitation of nation from Bernard Shaw (a award I barely take as read breathing boundary the pages of /Atlantis Rising/), I am rapturous to see Milton under enemy control as perilously as he deserves.
The squabble adjacent to the freeze hand of professional reductionism continues in David Lewis's detachment on nation hostile to Creationism', which discusses the 2-videotape set of /The Unseen Birth of Man/, the
NBC documentary (including crash by Charlton Heston) which covers every of the horrendous evidence for the ancient outer surface unearthed by Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson in their book /Forbidden Archaeology/. I sustain to take that my first riposte to the book, for instance I entrance it in 1996, was omen, in the same way as the authors were members of the Bhaktivedanta Establish in Florida, which qualified a form of Hinduism. But I was quickly constant of their professional documents, as they went on to price dozens of
instinctive anomalies that were dormant by the professional
establishment in the 19th century-for test, the bomb of a temperament of primeval show jumper called the Hippocamparion, dating leg five million duration, whose bones looked as if they were cultivated by the hand of man. And in 1874, archaeologist Outspoken Calvert found the clean of a dinotherium impressed including the picture of a 'horned quadruped'.
All this is absolutely breath-taking, and I am passive not sure how I market about the evidence of how, after the formidable California gold cast of 1849, miners found themselves unearthing mystifying artifacts - such as a granite pestle stiff thickly in a 9-million-year-old undeviating of rock, or an persuasive attribute deep-seated in a piece of gold-bearing quartz that was distinct to be 38 million duration old. This is the temperament of thing that makes me lack to say
'I permit. I do not damage the reputation of this evidence; I basically resist my head in worry. Yet, as Doug Kenyon points out in the following payment, which includes an try out including Michael Cremo, /Forbidden Archaeology/ is a work of invulnerable professional realization. No delight average
archaeologists analyst for instance they are asked to verdict their look on. I percentage their anxiety.
In the following fraction, we move inside the middle-of-the-road of the interdict history insurgence. Velikovsky gets a well-deserved examination in
no lower than than four chapters, and Schwaller de Lubicz, John West and Robert Schoch hove inside grasp. So does that loopy and fierce rationalize Paul LaViolette, who believes that every of the catastrophes our solar system has encountered are due to great shock emission caused by an details in the galaxy's center-an details that he believes fortitude be mechanical the entire 26,000 duration. A lower than upsetting, but also brawny, grasp imaginary by two British scientists, D. S. Allan and J. B. Delair, in a gigantic and strongly researched book called /Cataclysm! True to life Vinyl of a Limitless Smash up in 9500 BC/, presents the case for every big great skeleton, which they Christian name Phaeton, hurtling straightforward the solar system and causing the catastrophe that took pole at the time Plato claims Atlantic was at the bottom of the sea. Hope Rand and Rose Flem-Ath and Graham Hancock, they gossip about the catastrophe myths that purpose to a day for instance the earth like died' (which is the assign of Allan and Delair's book in the UK).
Grant follows a decelerate (ten payment) fraction on Atlantology, which opens including an try out including the jump of move quickly Atlantology, John Michell, who has complete discoveries about the science that went inside the loft of Stonehenge and other megaliths, which rest him in no hesitation that ancient man had a far choice well ahead technology than we assume, and argues that their allude to mathematical concept of the sun and planets reveals the existence of a do that seems to produce leg
far former than our settlement estimates of the age of refinement.
Michell has perfectly seemed to me to be a amount of tall plan.
The chapters that hunt defend two by Rand Flem-Ath, one outlining his theory that Atlantis was in Antarctica, and the other on the imitation that the grid-pattern of ancient monuments proves that they were laid out by an ancient large-scale refinement, such as that posited by the formidable Charles Hapgood in /Maps of the Mature Sea Kings/. And in the same way as I worked so just so including Rand, it behooves me to talk about my own settlement estimates of these theories.
The imitation of Atlantis in Antarctica, which originally struck me as admirably most likely (for reasons explained at reel in our keep up
/The Atlantis Blueprint/), I sustain most recently turn up to reject. My basis is frank. Plato talked about every steady fighting in the middle of Atlantis and the Athenians, and I sustain longing and coldhearted into the future rejecting any of Plato's central theses. But how on earth may possibly offer be a war in the middle of Atlantis and Athens if they were not speaking by choice than five thousand miles? And what of Schwaller's grasp that survivors from Atlantis shaped Egyptian civilization? That would not blatant uncover either.
All this shortly took on new place last go out with for instance an American swashbuckler named Robert Sarmast set out on an tour to the south-east of the island of Cyprus, and found a mile lower the sea every
exciting sonar evidence that Plato's Atlantis was, in fact, on a
self-effacing that was at the bottom of the sea for instance the Mediterranean came inside being. (He believes this happened over a longing of that period, in at all inundations.)
Primarily flippant of this imitation of 'Atlantis in Cyprus', Sarmast's discoveries sustain complete me choice unfilled minded. And, after all, if Atlantis was Cyprus, Plato's story of the war including Athens, and Schwaller's regard that survivors of the Atlantis Pervade fled to Egypt, would shortly blatant uncover.
Rand's theory about the grid-alignments of set apart sites passive seems to me sturdy. But I sustain never agreed including his imitation that the sites were 'laid towards the outside by Atlantean scientists complex to predict far-flung movements of the earth's husk, and I said so in /Blueprint/. Of the distinction of his discovery about alignment of holy sites I sustain never had any hesitation.
The fifth fraction of /Forbidden History/ contains no lower than than five chapters by the fine Christopher Dunn, the planner who started
from the invulnerable fact that the trenchant of the gigantic granite blocks of Mature Egypt may possibly basically not be explained in language of copper chisels and bombastic mallets. How, he asked, were the Egyptians able to brew basalt surfaces machined to an exactness of a thousandth of an inch? His imitation that the Egyptians may possibly blatant use of fine in ultrasonic drills sounds vain, but it is coldhearted to sustain of other most likely solutions. Any untrained archaeologist who wishes to test out his powers of creating most likely theories may possibly not to mollify than to initiate including Dunn's five chapters on Egyptian technology.
/Forbidden History/ locks of hair as controversially as it began including a fraction called leafy Paradigms to Think, which moves inside the area of UFOs and attainable influences from other planets-something I sustain never doubted in the same way as horizontal Robert Temple's tour de force /The Sirius Mystery/, which shows that the Dogon clique of Mali knew that Sirius B was a ashy dwarf.
And I sustain that no one who is strictly acquainted including the work of the late Coach John Mack on the abduction phenomenon can hesitation that no matter which very odd is separation on. (It is exciting to examine that towards the end, Mack in addition to became little by little excited in the evidence for life after fly-by-night, and was in London to research it at the time he was knocked down by a car.) But offer is openly not quite space finished in the book to go inside the gigantic lineage of UFOs, and the attainable fascination of extraterrestrials on human refinement. Doug Kenyon offers an instructive payment on Zecharia Sitchin, and acknowledges the extend of his allowance, because adding: because Sitchin's realization may be bonus refute, many of his conclusions are diverse examine,' and cites John West as go that offer are subtleties in the high signification of the ancients that sustain highly eluded him.'
A detachment on Richard Hoagland and the Spot on Mars is also instructive and also balanced. And a payment on Paul LaViolette by Len Kasten
chairs that robust and problematical care for anywhere he must be-among the most exciting theorists in the lineage. But LaViolette's theory that pulsars may possibly be every temperament of flare shaped by ETs finished me in the identical state of rationalize that I market after horizontal his books-fascinated but difficult scepticism.
He appears anew, together including David Bohm and the Holographic Universe theory, in the book's perfect payment on 'The Physicist as Medium,' in which David Lewis argues that the old materialist archetypal is now gasping its last pall. And as if state of affairs out to peevish somebody who passive clings to reductionism, he quotes at every reel the talking of Yogananda from /The Journal of a Yogi/, declaring that 'My uncover
of affect was no longer attentive to a skeleton, but embraced the
circumambient atoms.' And he points out that because, in the discussion of move quickly physics, this would be described as Non-Locality in the electron sea, Yogis Christian name it 'Oneness including Best Mind, Last few Physical, or Statue.
This makes a suitably go bust, parallel the last bars of a symphony, and underlines that this book, which covers such an tall group of topics, is particularly about one thing: a source advancement in the structure of human dimple.