Nasa Report
SHORT UFO FACT: [Reptoids is an evil reptilian race from the star system Daco. They use implants to control the Greys, and they in turn use implants to control humans. Their own planet is dying and they need anew one and are going to invade earth with a large army in the mid 90s. They eat human as food. Also known as Reptilians.] SHORT UFO FACT: [Lonnie Zamora worked as a sergeant at the Socorro Police Department. Friday 24 April 1964 he witnessed the Socorro landing in New Mexico. The investigation of the Socorro case was lead by Dr. J. Allen Hynek with the FBI. The report on the case ended up in the Project Blue Book saying: "There is no doubt that Lonnie Zamora saw an object which left quite an impression on him. There is also no question about Zamora's reliability. He is a serious officer, a pillar of his church, and a man well versed in recognizing airborne vehicles in his area. He is puzzled by what he saw, and frankly, so are we. This is the best documented case on record."] SHORT UFO FACT: [PUSALU VILLAGE, China, Jan. 2 - Poor farmers in Beijing's barren hills saw it: an object swathed in colored light arcing heavenward that some say must have been a UFO. They're not alone. People in 12 other Chinese cities reported possible UFO sightings last month. UFO researchers, meanwhile, were busy looking into claims of an alien abduction in Beijing. At the beginning of the new millennium, China is astir with sightings of otherworldly visitors. Such sightings are treated with unexpected seriousness in this country usually straightjacketed by its communist rulers. ]DO YOU THINK THIS IMAGES AND STORIES ARE FAKE? RATE IT:>>> You're still not sure? Get the proof here



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