Practical Astrobiology

Alban Heruin 20

In follow-up to my previous post (Mark Of The True Judge) which notes the recent extremes of nature to be synchronicities related to things I blog about, another synchronous news article has just been posted to "Foxnews" online - Can The Martian Arctic Support Extreme Life? The news article examines NASA's search for extraterrestrial life:

NASA's Phoenix spacecraft could soon find out. Since plopping down near the Martian north pole a month ago, the three-legged lander has been busy poking its long arm into the sticky soil and collecting scoopfuls to bake in a test oven and peer at under a microscope.

"We are looking for the basic ingredients that would allow life to prosper in this environment," chief scientist Peter Smith of the University of Arizona in Tucson has said in describing the mission's goal.

The discovery of extreme life forms, known as extremophiles, in unexpected nooks and crannies of the Earth in recent years has helped inform scientists in their search for extraterrestrial life.

Extremophiles are important to the scientific field of astrobiology (which concerns study of the origin, evolution and future of life in the Universe). The news article is synchronous with this morning's first "Craftwork" post (Rare Treasure, Soul Dance) referencing the "evolutionary dance of the soul". I think we are on the verge of an evolutionary jump in consciousness.


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