* We do know that this creature has been on Earth for centuries
* It is capable of wide distribution although it likely migrates at its convenience from rookeries in the tropics.
* It uses a lot of energy to fly and feeds on blood and now liquefied flesh and if in a rush can eat soft organ meat.
* It has been seen cooperating with other members of its genus.
* Three toes suggest a number of natural lineages including all we think we know. This is a supremely adapted creature that ranges the Earth and is smart enough to generally avoid us. It also quite nicely explains cattle mutilation.
What becomes extremely clear is that I have no need to call on the UFO alien hypothesis and excellent observers have properly characterized this creature to our satisfaction.
This is an excellent and unexpected conclusion to a singular line of investigation. There are other nocturnal flyers out there, but this one is extraordinary and will deserve detailed study. It will be difficult to track and kill or capture, although as farmers get wise, we will eventually get lucky and down one.
"One aspect of the Chupacabra that has "always intrigued me is the reported spine like appendage on it's back. It has been described as fleshy spikes that have the ability to rise up and change color when the animal is agitated."
[ I have conjectured that these are the wings folded up against its back. The color change conforms to the expectation of skin structures as observed in some other creatures - arclein ]
"Recently an old story reemerged on the Internet about an unusual incident involving the United State military in the African Congo. I myself first heard about it about ten years ago as I was researching modern bipedal Hominids in central Africa; but this being an unverifiable story, I filed it away in the back of mind in case I would one day have a chance to revisit it."
"Philippe Coudray, a French cryptozoologist and author; first told the story and it as it concerns a group of American Navy Seals in the late 1990's or early 2000's."
"The supposed " deep throat" (X-Files reference here) in this story is one of the Seals who wishes to remain anonymous. He claims that his unit came upon, quite by accident; a group of animals they initially thought were normal chimps. "They counted thirteen animals that were in the process of killing another unidentified animal, presumably for food". The "chimps" were close to "five feet in height and grey". What "caught the unit's attention were the spikes that ran down the length of the spine; similar to a porcupine, is how he described it. He also added that the spikes stood up at times when the "chimps" became excited". They filmed the entire episode. The film according to the Seal is three minutes long and classified."
[ so we have chimp like hominids with actual spikes running the length of the spine. I know of no other proper comparable and we risk suggesting anything now. I am particularly impressed that this is a pack animal like few others on Earth - arclein ]
"The modern Chupacabra era began in the early 1990's on the island of Puerto Rico, when numerous animals, mostly goats at first, were found mutilated and exsanguinated. Then, reports started coming in "about a strange animal and strange tracks at the sites of the killings". Panic and speculation evolved, and the inevitable link to the UFO phenomenon began."
"But, this is not a quixotic relationship; Puerto Rico has one of the highest concentrations of UFO sightings in the world. UFOs have routinely been seen at the location of Chupacabra sightings, or at the site of animal mutilations reportedly engineered by the Chupacabra. A similar phenomenon occurs in the United States during cattle mutilations, where UFOs have been seen on site before or after a mutilation event. Furthermore, some basic morphological similarities do exist between descriptions of the Chupacabra and the creatures reported in Varginha, Brazil in 1996. The UFO link is inescapable."
"As the "1990's came to an end, the Chupacabra extended its territory outside of Puerto Rico. Sighting occurred in the United States, in Central and South America, and even in Russia." This fact brings up a peculiar point. Whatever this specie turns out to be, it has "NO CLEAR SET GEOGRAPHICAL BOUNDARIES, WHICH IS SOMEWHAT UNUSUAL IF WE WERE DEALING WITH A REGULAR MEMBER OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM."To further compound the mystery and reinforce the UFO link, Chupacabras as described by witnesses cannot be placed within a zoological taxonomy that we are aware off; either from a current specie or one known from the fossil record."
"We do have is a fairly detailed description of the Chupacabra. The creature is between "three to five feet in height, has big black and reddish eyes. The top of the head is round; the mouth has fang-like definition, and an appendage (tongue?) that can project." The creature is also "EQUIPPED WITH SPINAL FINS AND WINGS,"even though the latter aren't always reported. Footprints show "THREE TOES WITH THREE LONG CLAWS". It is apparently "covered with short hair that ha"s been reported as anything from brown, gray, orange, yellow and blue. The majority of eyewitnesses usually describe the beast as either ape like or dog like."
[ this is clearly a gargoyle with spinal spikes that never made it into sculpture for obvious reasons. - arclein]
"Back on Puerto Rico, over "a thousand dead animals", including sheep, dogs, turkeys, rabbits, chickens, cattle, cats, horses and of course goats have been attributed to the Chupacabra. Unfortunately, it got to a point where every animal death was rumored to be Chupacabra related; but in the deep end of paranoia, rumors and exaggerations, the pattern for a Chupacabra kill emerged."
"Mutilated animals "with puncture holes are typically found on the animal's neck and"abdomen. The "deceased often exsanguinated, drained of blood". Some animals have been further mutilated where "internal organs have been ripped out." Rabbits especially seem to bring out the worse in the Chupacabra, as it will go through the trouble of absolutely destroying the cages holding the rabbits in order to mutilate Thumper. However, rabbit cages aren't the only structures destroyed by the Chupacabra. It has been known to tear through barbed wire and iron gates to get to its intended prey. The "strength of the creature is quite remarkable."
[ obviously since it can also fly and that requires powerful chest muscles - arclein ]
"In the beginning, only animals were victimized, but eventually people were attacked as well and the creature was being seen more frequently around human habitations."
"In a small village in Mexico, a woman claimed that a Chupacabra clawed her, and a man from another village said that he also was attacked. He displayed two punctured marks on his right arm. But, before you think that the Chupacabra just doesn't like Mexicans, a Puerto Rican man in December of 1995 claimed that he was attacked from behind and showed cuts on his abdomen. He described the creature as gorilla like. These incidents, if accurately reported, are fairly uncommon, and for the most part the creature doesn't seem to have it in for man. Instances like these are very rare and no one has been seriously hurt, as far as I'm aware."
"The Chupacabra is an amalgam of traits, seemingly belonging to several different species; the wings, the ape like or dog life face, the ability to change colors, among others. Analyses of several "CHUPACABRA VICTIMS INDICATE THAT THE INTERNAL ORGANS IN MANY CASES WERE LIQUEFIED." We know that Chupacabra victims have been found with one or two puncture wounds, usually around the neck area. This leads to the possibility that the Chupacabra injects the victim with some kind of liquefying agent. That would suggest that they then ingest the liquefied insides for nourishment."
"Spiders feed this way as they inject digestive enzymes through their fangs in order to feed on the liquefied remains. This is not to suggest that Chupacabras have any relationship to spiders, but to point out that this is possible in the animal kingdom. Carnivorous plants also utilize external digestive enzyme to break down their captures prey. Most animals, including humans use digestive enzymes internally."
"As far as Chupacabras are concerned, this ability could be of prime importance in identifying these creatures. If we could get a sample of the liquefied remains of a Chupacabra attack, it could be analyzed and compared to known digestive enzymes; giving us a clue as to the zoological nature of the beast. If these creatures turn out to be genetic experimentation and more specifically hybrids; in theory then, digestive enzymes from any species on the planet, and perhaps off it, could have been introduced. This includes plant digestive enzymes."
"So, we know the Chupacabra doesn't like goats and rabbits. In addition it isn't particularly fond of teddy bears either. In a rather idiotic episode, a less than brilliant Chupacabra in Caguas city, Puerto Rico tore the window of a bedroom open and savagely attacked a teddy bear. Episodes like the later have prompted the police in both Puerto Rico and Mexico to take action."
"In fact, in December of 1995, a police officer in Puerto Rico managed to shoot at one of the creatures. He failed in killing it, but blood samples were obtained. The blood was analyzed first by a veterinarian and then by a laboratory in the United States. "The veterinarian's report stated that the blood contains high levels of protein and acids, with traces of chlorophyll. The laboratory analysis revealed that the blood was similar to human type A but not compatible with human blood or any other animal." We do have to allow the possibility of contamination for the sample, but nonetheless brings up some intriguing speculation in the world of hybridization."