E-MAIL = noriohayakawa@gmail.com
Here is an interesting item written by Randall Fitzgerald (Skepticism Examiner) on
"March 26, 2010:"
Two MILITARY PROJECTS to create HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTORS for PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE purposes have been brought to my attention which add weight to the idea that the MARCH 13, 1997 sightings of a large aerial vehicle over Arizona may have been part of a psychological warfare experiment.
One project was underway and the other in discussion stages during 1996, a full year before the UFO sightings over Arizona occurred. (Please refer to my previous two columns on this site making the case that the Arizona Lights phenomenon might have been HOLOGRAPHIC in nature, conducted out of a PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE TESTING RANGE based at an Army intelligence center in southeastern Arizona.)
The first holographic project originated at the ARMY RESEARCH LAB AT ADELPHI, MARYLAND. Coincidence or not, it was the MARYLAND AIR NATIONAL GUARD which dropped the flares around 10 p.m. on March 13, seen widely in the Phoenix area, that served to confuse the situation about whether the UFOs were planes, flares, or a single huge object.
Titled "A 3-D HOLOGRAPHIC DISPLAY," this November 1996 progress report for the ARMY RESEARCH LAB discussed research and development of "an innovative technique for generating a three dimensional holographic display...the resultant image is a hologram that can be viewed in real time over a wide perspective or field of view." (Accession number: ADA338490.) As with most military intelligence studies that leak into the public domain, this one gives no significant clues about the extent to which this technology is really operational.
A second project, or proposal, from May 1996, titled "A Research Paper Presented to Air Force 2025," makes a case for the development of an AIRBORNE HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTOR to display a three-dimensional hologram for OPTICAL DECEPTION and PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE. This report was authored by three military officers, including Lt. Col. Jack A. Jackson, PhD., AFIT. The extent to which this proposal was based on developments already underway, or just a flight of futuristic fantasy by the authors, is unknown.
Still a third report, this one civilian, on the potential of holographic technology was prepared by Dr. David Watt for the Nonlethal Technology Innovations Center at the University of New Hampshire in the early part of this century. It examined "HOLOGRAMS AS NONLETHAL WEAPONS," and the costs and challenges of developing such technologies.
As more information becomes available, I will share it with readers interested in the proposition that holographic technological developments represent a Brave New World of potential confusion and manipulation affecting the parameters and limits of our consensus reality.