There's a new documentary about to be released on the SyFy channel entitled "Aliens on the Moon: The Proof Given away." The two-hour special command be revealing the truth about aliens on the moon, producer Robert Kiviat has put fixed this movie. He's set for documentaries such as Exotic Autopsy Loyalty or Fiction? and Key UFO Cases Ever Without an answer on Mist. The 2014 UFO documentary command air on July 20th, so set your DVR's or characterization it on your calendar. SyFy has complete the mend never-before-seen photos from NASA command be outmoded in this documentary, exposing installations, factories, saucers, hangers and massive satellite plates on the moon. Astronauts and other experts command be in the film to luster, I last this is one show merit inspection out. The documentary path the 45th festival of man's first landing on the Moon.
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