This UFO sighting video was sent into CNN's iReport on June 17, 2013. The
video is only 5 seconds or so and the object in question seems very odd, even for a UFO.
UFO London June 17, 2013 close up
UFO London June 17, 2013
The UFO seen in the video looks like a cigar shaped UFO but does not seem
to fly like any other cigar shaped UFO I have ever seen. This one looks like it's
flying sideways instead of flying like a spear, so to speak.
This is the short summary of the video the witness included with the submission on iReport:
"I was looking outside when I noticed a flying object near some buildings I"
"grabbed my camera and shot a video I looked closely and saw it was not a bird"
"or a plane it looks like a UFO It looks like the one from the Richmond Virginia"
Have a look at the short video HERE