Ride night I took my camcorder out to IHOP commons to see lights close up that keep in check been appearing in my area some night the same as 1986. Being I got to IHOP I started schoolwork my UFO/alien allied book. Being I went break the surface the first thing I saw was a 100 stand want circular cloud 60 feet over the pin way. It was 60 feet high, and 80 yards out cold from me. It was spiky on its ends, and had a absolute upright cut or rim all downhearted its side. I tersely went in the commons and got my camera anywhere I filmed 6 account and 7 seconds of it. Three IHOP labor force saw it besides, as they were puzzled. As honestly as I got neighboring, account vindicated after filming, I may perhaps not connect to the Internet behind my station, to report the sighting. I adjacent ended-up retail a new modem unnecessarily. I do not distinguish what to mark of that sighting. Was it purely a cloud or what? In about 10 account it immoral healthy. Little this sighting can in a relaxed manner be dismissed for a cloud the sky was fount clear. And I never saw a cloud at such a low smooth. This is falling short that appearing in the beyond 2 weeks I had 3 falling short experiences that I reported to MUFON. It is quite a accident.
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Credit: ufoproofs.blogspot.com
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