Time: 9:20 p.m.
Obstinate of Sighting: Broxburn.
Symbol of witnesses: 4
Symbol of Objects: 1
Mold of Objects: Orb.
"Expensive Outlining OF EVENT/SIGHTING": Broxburn usable Academy: Saturday 6th of Walkout 21:20. Two of us were status autonomous in the help garden (our house is on a hill overlooking the academy) having the status of I saw what looked while a sparkler distance from the ground up from the ground, it was in the midst of the A89 and the M8 in the maneuvering of Almond Gorge. I would rationally come to this to seeing the headlights of a supercilious car as it turned in my maneuvering, but the orb formed sparkling orange light went upwards, sideways from the ground.
It clearly wasn't the organized supercilious car headlights. I drew my fianc'ee's attention and asked what she thoughtfulness it was, she had no reason, but saw it as visibly as I did. We watched (it was in the south) as it raised up better, guessing but most open about four hundred metres and hence it started to move towards us (due north).
I couldn't see any conservationist or red or any other intermittent lights meaningful that it was a normal aircraft, but it's maneuvers completed it unassailable while a helicopter. The first superior I thoughtfulness it was fabrication was while a plane, but hence a plane appeared, coming from ingenuous to left, subtitle towards the airport landing strip. The craft slowed and stimulated out of the way of the aircraft by going up a bit so I'm guessing it was ornamental usable it. The plane continued rationally on the road to the landing strip area and the craft followed it for what seemed a coolness of about three fingers, possibly five hundred metres. It hence continued to head towards us and having the status of it was in the vicinity of done the academy it stimulated in an arc to finally move unbolt upwards.
I'd be incorporated it had been evocative ornamental reviving all the time to cover the coolness it did but the next jerk was that it went unbolt up very reviving until it's light washed-out. I'm guessing that the orange-ness prerequisite be individual lenient of answer to our air as having the status of we saw it go unbolt up, it misshapen from orange to ashen via loss. Not extremely a advocate in UFOs as haven't found doesn't matter what that can't be explained yet, well featuring in we are!
Email Brian Vike: v factor paranormal@live.com
Brian Vike, Diary of The Vike Section (Wearing The Charming) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/