It was October 27, 1976 at 2 a.m. in Hagerman, Idaho I was driving home with my wife when I looked out the side window and first seen a hovering object in a shape of a tear drop to the East, it had pulsating lights of red, orange, green, blue, and white. I stopped and turned off my rig and I cranked my 9 power hunting scope on my rifle and observed this object for around 15 minutes, through the pickup window. I seen an orb shaped like a round head light coming in from the North simultaneously I seen another Orb come in from the South. They both entered my scope pattern at the same time as I was watching the mother ship the Orbs went underneath the mother ship and disappeared into it. With in seconds the entire object with it's orbs shot straight up and out of sight, never to be seen again by me or my wife. This same year we were having cattle mutilations all over Southern Idaho. On January 16,2015 I was watching the program UFO hunters. There was a Iranian pilot in Iran in 1976 that seen the same thing as I did. I would like to know if any one else has seen the same thing as me and the Iranian pilot in Iran on October 27,1976? Feel free to call me. Thank you. Sincerely, Ted Hall Bliss, Idaho P.S. I did not ever report this to any one.
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