Ufo Sighting In Richland Washington On November 21St 2013 Incredibly Bright Large Light High Over Little Badger Mtn
Driving home to pick something up before taking my family to dinner. Facing Little Badger Mtn (S-SW) there was an incredibly bright, large light HIGH over the mountain, near my home. I initially thought it might be a planet- although it was too close and too bright. I took 2 pictures after watching it for a bit-it didn't do anything. Then I left and came back 30 min later and it was gone!(I stopped in the same place where I took the picture) Checked surrounding areas and didn't see anything. Photos show a bright, round orb with fuzzed edges above the line of the mountain. It was too high to be a man-made light, too bright and close to be a star/planet.
Credit: MUFON
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