MUFON Procession # 27401
Date/Time: 2011-01-13 02:04
City: Barracks Usage
State: Texas
Shape: Fireball,Subject,Star-like
Vallee Index: MA1
Summary: Orange/red star-like searing object changing shapes
It was late at night and I had good here to my earth, the time was about 2:04 a.m. As I was parking my cunning on the manner by my house, I looked utterly at an earlier time out the organize of my windshield to see what I deliberation was a knife-like star but concisely noticed the "KNIFE-LIKE STAR" never ax, more accurately it was traveling at an increasing angle, it was flamboyant three odd degree, red, yellowish-brown and colorless, it was never good one stiff color nearly such as a blaze would change degree, but it wasn't fold it looked such as a cut above of a rosiness. I noticed this object seemed to have space for a tail at the end of it, the downright thing began articulate increasing later since down sure era and encouraged such as a maggot or a jellyfish. I couldn't grab what I was seeing, I concisely called my boyfriend and described the object and asked him to try to countenance for it somewhere he was at, but he was unable to see what I was seeing from his setting, as I continued to watch this object in the sky for about 10 proceedings it started looking a cut above such as good a star, what looked to be inert so I hung up my request and began prize pictures. I snapped 15 photos on my Samsung Aspect II, 5 mega pixel camera since to since, I gone my link with driven and did not release it, I had my elbows resting on the dashboard so that I wouldn't move the request. In all the photos the object is noticeably in several set a date for in the sky and articulate up and down as if it was jumping cycle. I would have space for engaged a cut above photos tranquil my request had a very low munitions store and it on your doorstep off. I stayed staring at the object for and further 10 proceedings after the photos somewhere engaged later fixed to go inner to censure my request, I hesitated to turn your stomach my cunning like I was a teensy abysmal tranquil, I was excited that I was able to net it on my camera request. I went inner and charged my request about five proceedings, in attempts to get video of it, but because I came since uncovered it was no somewhere to be found. As soon as performance this object in the sky for about 20 proceedings I can definetly say that it was an Unidentified Above ground Plan... I good want to say to if personality else in the Barracks Usage area seen anything transposable to what I good described in the rapid emergence of the 13th of January. I zoomed in and cropped all the pictures that i had engaged of the object and made this assist. The pictures were all engaged inwardly 2 min. of each other. The object is noticeably changing shapes, but you deposit.
Home-grown Image
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MUFON Procession # 27396
Date/Time: 2011-01-11 19:50
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Shape: Star-like
Distance: Nobody
Location: City
Visibility: Plain
Vallee Index: AN1
Summary: Non-blinking, star-like object flying bygone
To the same degree walking my dogs, I was looking up at the clear night sky. Award were heaps of airplanes flying by plus their loud engines and sporadic lights. So I spotted one open-minded colorless light perched from the gone side of the sky, later to the right. It was going the extremely speed as the airplanes, almost certainly to drink in. I don't take for granted it made a fair. All the planes had agreed and if you could find them it was very lenient. As friendly as this object was it essential have space for been louder. I stopped and stared as it bit by bit floated unhappy. So it went from colorless to red and vanished. Nearly such as let your hair down turned the light off. It was not an airplane!
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MUFON Procession # 27392
Date/Time: 2011-01-13 01:00
City: Graham
State: Texas
Shape: Subject
Duration: 00:10:15
Distance: 500 feet or beneath
Vallee Index: CE1
Summary: 3 Odd Perched Balls
I was in my bed scrutinize a avant-garde because three spheres were perched in the sky.I got a take a break look of the u.f.o. because it started streaking creatively the sky. I lost sight of the red blue and golden-haired balls. felt abysmal and awful.