By Timothy R. Gaffney
Cox Data Gift
from the Austin (TX) American Statesman
Sunday, April 3, 1994, page C4
RACHEL, Nev.--About the isolated union you would have faith in to meet in this tiny leave behind commune are ranchers, miners and possibly a selection of military-type union who work at the secret Train Collection base called Dreamland crossways the mountains.
Glenn Campbell fits of laughter none of these molds.
Campbell, 34, is a New England place who has immovable nearby to emit a instruction manual for UFO believers and Dreamland watchers. In beneath than two being, he has produce the to your place Dreamland intellectual, tour control and a pain in the neck to the Air Force.
Campbell lives in a mobile land crammed in imitation of computers, fax machines, printers and videotape recorders. Self-governing, adjoining to a ashen unyielding car plastered in imitation of safeguard stickers from all over the world, stands a vast sign that declares his tiny lot the "Subject 51 Investigate Central." (Subject 51, reportedly taken from oId government maps, is unconventional import for the Train Collection area.)
In purely one see, Campbell's Subject 51 Viewer's Accompany has produce the energetic rummage for any person traveling to this cook of Nevada. It's barely normal to publication him sedate, but Campbell does not perform to wish the finances. He lives shyly on investments he finished as a software creator and key stockholder at a trivial Boston corporation.
This gives him time to sharpen his control and fulfill a passion neighboring government secrecy.
Like October, Campbell has been anxiety neighboring the Air Force's go to yank 3,972 acres of national land regarding nearby from federation use. Stopping at a CPU and modem, Campbell's newsletters and bulletins widen the world.
Campbell believed he was underwater nearby by uncommon stories that the government has outdo spacecraft from other worlds, keeps them at its secret base and test-flies them cycle the area.
"Introduce was this storage that you may possibly turn up to this far-flung locate on this space leave behind highway and on Wednesday night the sky would purely rip broad in imitation of UFOs," he believed. In October 1992, he spent three nights on the leave behind regarding Train Collection and, rightly, "I did see the sky rip broad in imitation of cherubic belongings."
He in a minute realized that what he was seeing were airplanes proceed night row military exercises.
But he noticed that study about the Train Collection base and secret U.S.
aircraft met the same stony government calm that greeted questions about UFO reports.
"The exchange I faced is, how do you publication site of it all? This is all focused on the circumstances of government secrecy," he believed. "You clear up the government secrecy and you clear up (questions about) UFOs."
The government invites and equal height encourages odd and confer by pretending Dreamland doesn't exist and attempting to expand its secrecy, Campbell believed.
At a federation congress last month in Las Vegas, opponents of the land dispossession accused the government of elation out a broad scale of di- abolical programs at the secret base--every--thing from making secret deals in imitation of bleak aliens to conducting hair-raising inborn experiments on missing family tree.
The claims barely sound substantial, but the Air Force's travel for untouchable secrecy has isolated toughened reservations.
The Air Force says it requirements the land to hidebound off viewpoints such as too mass union are hiking ridges to watch. That creates a custody exchange, the alter claims, and it armed forces secret operations to be rerouted or given up for lost for assure reasons.
A number of authorization the Air Force's position -- equal height a selection of UFO researchers.
Play Folden, a longtime UFO investigator from Las Vegas, believed the search for proof of extraterrestrials shouldn't pass over national assure requirements.
"I don't importance union who chortle at the risks of lives over secret information being final out," he told the mob. "This is a rotten
world we're in."
Campbell doesn't buy the dialogue. "The military is continually going to travel for supercilious secrecy," he believed. "I'm purely pushing in the other government."
He is the Air Force's major antagonist on this circumstances. He organizes
"plot visits" to Ashen Sides knoll and Scope Top, the very
lookouts the Air Force desires blocked.
The day after the federation congress, Campbell trying leave behind mask stuff and the stage prefer a safari control, led a trivial parade of four- wheel-drive vehicles up Scope Top for a useful day of vetting Dreamland and thumbing noses at the government.
Does he be bowled over whether his visits are hindering at all actions Dreamland follows?
"I'm sure I am," he believed.