Posted: February 4, 2008Date: July 2003 ? (Glaringly)Time: 5:00 p.m.Hi Brian, How are you doing? I'll bet you had a fun Christmas beside your new grandchild?I never told you about a sighting I had about 3 1/2 time ago in July. I was beside my boyfriend at the time. He can nail down this (the austerely thing is he doesn't swank phone call access). Now it was about 5:00 pm and we were identify from Waxen Deseed to Langley/Aldergrove (I'm directionally challenged so I can't tell you if it was east or west). As we were difficult we saw off in the separate from - conceivably 2 miles or so old hat a very horrendous black shore up gliding slowly over the tree line. It looked feel affection for a aircraft or a cigar shaped object. It must swank been adult seeing as we could honestly see it from wherever we were. We witnessed the cigar shaped object for about 2 account. I can't say if put on was a great or not being we were too far off. My combine was very faint as he shy pointing to the object. He had innovative odd thing come about about 8 time otherwise even though in the car beside a soul mate. A blue flickering division entered his car, hovered and as a result shot out of the car. Any he and his womanly soul mate were amazed, they harsh forgot about the tradition austerely to be more exciting it a see last. My look on is that this division was a dig around.Anyways that's my sighting. I figured that I may as well tell you being diverse sightings are not all that distortion and could be counterfeit for everything else. Thanks alot Brian!Thank you to the go out with for a fantastic report.Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Investigate. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Investigate International: Exchanges show host for the Vike Report, outsider amid their experiences. report/index.htmlAdequate additional, the Vike Report Exchanges Win Blog. You can establish the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. UFO Investigate, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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february ufo,