Friday, April 08, 2011 11:26 "THE DOCUMENT PURPORTS TO SHOW AN OFFICIAL WASHINGTON, D.C. REPORT FROM THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE CONCERNING THE INFAMOUS ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO SAUCER CRASH THAT OCCURRED IN THE DESERT DURING JULY OF 1947." "Photo is recreation of alleged flying saucer crash Roswell, NM 1947."The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation recently launched a new archive called "The Vault." The archive contains old FBI documents that have been declassified and released for general public consumption.Among the archives is a curious memo that is cryptically labeled as "SUBJECT: GUY HOTTEL (3-22-1950)."The memo is from a Guy Hottel addressed to the FBI Director who at the time would have been its founder, J. Edgar Hoover. CONFIRMATION OF SAUCER CRASHES AND RETRIEVALDated March 22, 1950, the document provides information on not one, but "three retrievals of crashed saucers" and some additional information about alien occupants claimed to be no more than 3-feet tall.The controversial Roswell, New Mexico alien saucer crash and subsequent retrieval by the nearby atomic bomber Roswell Air Force base has been the subject of numerous articles, several best-selling books and a few Hollywood films.If the FBI document is proved to be true, the so-called "smoking gun" evidence that the events really did take place has arrived.The Roswell flying saucer crash supposedly happened during July 1947. The military retrieved sections of the ship and dead alien bodies. Some witnesses later testified that one or more of the aliens were found alive. The crash debris was flown to the Wright-Patterson airfield in Ohio. ROSWELL INCIDENTAs the current version of the story goes. "On July 8, 1947, Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) public information office in Roswell, New Mexico, issued a press release stating that personnel from the field's 509th Bomb Group had recovered a crashed 'flying disc' from a ranch near Roswell, sparking intense media interest. The following day, the press reported that Commanding General of the Eighth Air Force stated that, in fact, a radar-tracking balloon had been recovered by the RAAF personnel, not a 'flying disc.'"A subsequent press conference was called, featuring debris said to be from the crashed object, which seemed to confirm the weather balloon description." [Wikipedia]Subsequent investigation by legions of researchers has tended to cast some doubt on the official Air Force explanation. THE HOTTEL DOCUMENT COVER PAGE: DOCUMENT PAGE: FBI VAULT WEBSITE WITH DOWNLOADABLE PFD: guy/Guy%20Hottel%20Part%201%20of%201/view
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