Date: November 12, 2010
Time: 9:55 p.m.
Pose of Sighting: Te Anau Southland New Zealand.
Problem of witnesses: 2
Problem of Objects: 2
Pattern of Objects: Glowing disk-shaped.
"Whole Tab OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" Te Anau has lovely clear skies due to it's remote and new-fangled arrangement, we are hand-me-down to seeing aircraft, accurately helicopters and light aircraft overhead. But my vice- and I moreover saw the outrageous and strong red light over the town on Friday 12th November. In fact we saw two - in ten minutes of each other - opinionated a corresponding hoof marks obliquely the sky.
The dye and position of these objects real for us that they could not be aircraft or satellites, they were too low, too agile and a outrageous disk-shaped shape. I am spot on that patronize other polite society of the town ghost command seen this phenomenon but, appreciate the final novelist and ourselves, be spontaneous to produce our names or details for scare of disparagement.
We command been execution the skies via mixed fantasize and scare for patronize being and this is the strangest thing we command always seen. Once again, we would very far-flung appreciate others to authorize what we saw so we may be in a deposit to 'go mess.
Hi, we've been sent a tighten to your Blogspot - ""
Request lay bare to your aware spotter this explanation:
Two discuss = Sky Lantern
Friday night in Te Anau included a Divali congregate (it's the biggest Hindu festival and very out of this world), we large a week late to curb we weren't seen to be celebrating terrorism ("Guy Fawkes" which is moreover large locally), I couldn't get gray sky lanterns and procured 10 red ones from
They were big red tissue paper creature editions (generally for weddings), we had credibly 10 witnesses to the start of 4, in two lots of two popular evening, we gave 5 given away as presents as carve up of the celebrations and command one consumed which your unidentified spotter is inaugurate to command (ask them to go to the Fiordland Show and categorization themselves, or Trips and Tramps).
At night they blossom and stage is a providence the night observer weight command seen the cardboard hot base the clearly paper hot air balloon early is overdone out, all bottle green biodegradable components of course.
We wholly command one city night poster who was not in the airspace at the time of start.
Reliance this helps.
"BRIAN VIKE'S NOTE:" I would appreciate to thank the fill for relief the length of the information which gave the decree to what the note saw, which was Chinese lanterns/Wish lanterns or which always one requests to go to see them, as stage is profuse names for these lanterns and yes, in line UFO Balloons.
If you command seen whatsoever appreciate this in the especially area please be fiery satisfactory to contact Brian Vike at: "" via the details of your sighting. "ALL Intimate Note IS Kept Secret."