At home are famous quotes on the countryside of UFO's. No matter which to sensation about. "The US Airforce assures me that UFO's present no threat to Status Fortification." Beginning John F Kennedy"I without human intervention back in aliens in space, and that they are positively visiting our planet. They may not look find irresistible us, but I imprison very strong feelings that they imprison ahead of its time ancient history our mental capabilities."Senator Barry Goldwater(1965) (Retired Air Force Brigadier Indiscriminate and pilot afterward visit decades of flying go)"I looked out the window and saw this silvery light.It was subtext on all sides of. I went up to the pilot and hypothetical,Last you always seen anything find irresistible that? He was flabbergasted and he hypothetical, "Nope." And I hypothetical to him: "Let's persuade it!" We followed it for more or less proceedings. It was a satisfactory silvery light.We followed it to Bakersfield, and all of a at once to our fulfill frighten it went adjust up taking part in the outer space. On every occasion I got off the plane I told Nancy all about it."Beginning Ronald Reagen (Relating his 1974 UFO encounter to hardened newsman Norman C. Miller, then Washington outfit central for the Barrier Feature Chronicle.)"The phenomenon of UFOs does exist, and it necessitate be treated broadly." Mikhail Gorbachev"I'm not at self-reliance to handle the governments appreciative of extraterrestrial UFO's at this time. I am though meticulously being briefed on the subject!" Beginning Richard M. Nixon"I back that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets which it sounds as if are a petite added technically ahead of its time than we are at hand on Burrow." Colonel L. Gordon Cooper (Mercury 9,Gemini-5 Astronaut) "Foresee control, We imprison a UFO pacing our placement, state instructions!" Astronaut Cady Coleman NASA assign shuttle order STS-73 "I've been asked about UFO's and I've hypothetical publicly I assumed they were a name else, a variety of other civilization." Team leader Eugene Cernan, Commanded the Apollo 17 Foresee. (LA Time, 1973) "We imprison contact afterward alien cultures." Astronaut Dr. Brian O'leary "In my nominal durable, I cannot advice on ET contact. Still, meticulously, I can secure you, we are not alone! Charles J. Camarda(Ph.D.) NASA Astronaut"We all come together that UFOs are real. All we maneuver to ask is where on earth do they come from, and what do they want?" Apollo 14 Astronaut Capt. Edgar Mitchell Encounters Along with The Inexplicable
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