Biography:FRED BELL, a flying saucer contactee, was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan. After high school he joined the Air Force. He was trained to work on radar and was stationed at a facility where numerous UFO contacts were tracked. Following his time in the Air Force, he worked with Rockwell International and then as a consultant to various companies in the aerospace industry. It was during this time that he became interested in Eastern spirituality and studied with several spiritual masters. He also obtained a degree in alternative medicine and became a lecturer on behalf of the National Health Federation (an organization advocating freedom of medical choice for the public).Scientist and innovator Fred Bell spoke about his recent work on how an "evil" emergence and one-world government has manipulated the population via mind control and other methods. We've seen attacks on the banking and education systems, as well as decreases in mental health and moral values, he said. The big pharmaceutical companies push certain vaccines and antidepressants, some of which contain ingredients that "basically put your brain into a coma and regress you back in consciousness and turn you into an animal," he asserted.The big picture is the One World Order eventually wants to eliminate 80% of the population yet there's an internal breakdown occurring in their ranks, with many of their family members becoming dysfunctional, Bell continued. He outlined a number of current mind control and surveillance techniques, like the "radar flashlight" which "checks electromagnetic activity of speech control in the vocal chords," as a kind of intensive data mining. There's also "keyhole satellites" that can beam "emotion signature clusters" at people to change their psychological state.In the the 1980s and 90s, the CIA and its MK Ultra program developed a program to make people think they were having an alien abduction, and inserted implants in them to control them, Bell reported. But now, nanotechnology has enabled them to create implants the size of a grain of salt, and some of them have been placed in flu vaccines,
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