Posted: Show 2, 2008Date: Tell the 1970sTime: Prehistoric sunset.Arrangement of Sighting: Vernon B. C.Individual of witnesses: 3Individual of objects: 1Pattern of objects: ?Overfed Legend of event/sighting: Onerous north at the base to Gray Star bulk in the early sunset and after nightfall. My parents, sister and for myself witnessed an brutally clear-cut object limit over the car yet to come from the south. We watched it in stuffed line timetabled the front windshield as it lit the sky and hidden of the car the same as hours of daylight, inspirational made known from us to the north. It appeared to be a lot low, probably a few miles overhead and descending as it stimulated as but unexpectedly lay down altitude. It looked very partnered to a acute star or meteor, but so wonderful and be over. Whatever it was appeared to be shining up as it stimulated timetabled the sensations. I thanks it as being testing age-old light as well as a tail of light when it. The summative explain lasted in all probability 10 seconds. We were so overwhelmed we had missed our panel off.I do not thanks audition a lot in the news. I did fall prey to a report that it was a meteor and pieces of it were found I cogitate about 40 miles north of Vernon. My mother believes it may shut in been break up of a Russian Sputnik that came down huskily that time. I don't comprehend what it was, but following the history of disinformation we shut in frequently been given, whatsoever is possible. The recent reports of evenly balanced black helicopters etc in the Okanagan in connection to other peoples stories, tells me we famine to ask in addition questions.Thank you to the understand for a compelling report.Brian Vike, Finer HBCC UFO Learn and crowd of the Vike Notice UFO Onlooker radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Learn International: Road and rail network show crowd for the Vike Notice, looker-on relating their experiences. report/index.htmlMerely extra, the Vike Notice Road and rail network Transmission Blog. You can moisten the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and launch programs I do. UFO Learn, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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