"I work at chelmsford train station and i was dispatching a train part of my job is to check the pantograph on the top of the train as its leaving as i was doing this an object caught my eye in the sky.
The reason it caught my eye was the sun reflected off it.i thought what the hell is that, it seemed to be a chrome orb but as i looked i could see it was definatly slowly rotating because i could see the sun reflecting off it.it was moving from north west towards the south east.i ran back to my mess room grabbed the camera out of my bag and headed downstairs to the front of the station.
When i got to the front of the station i said to my colleage on the ticket barriers come and look at this,we went out side and said to him what do you make of that.he said my god is it a ufo? i said i don't know but it aint an aircraft.the object was moving very slowly,rotating and not gaining height speed and height remained constant throught.this was during peak hours at the station so it was busy with returning commuters and obviously two guys standing at the entrance one taking photos of the sky caused other people to look up.
In the end up there was about 15 to 20 people standing watching this even the shopkeepers came out of their shops.most people were saying ufo with the odd people saying weather balloon or aircraft.it was definatly not an aircraft and i think weather balloons are teardrop shaped and not chrome coloured and the height remained constant not rising."
DATE - 2009-05-28 7:23PM
LOCATION - Chelmsford UK
COLOUR - White
Credit: discover-ghosts.blogspot.com