"Or so I thought. Of late, I wondered the unthinkable: At all if the antics of the "weird humanoids" well-known by Vallee weren't the work of certified overarching intelligence? At all if they happened correct as reported, weakness the haul to invoke on the exterior imposed psychosocial thermostats?"This impression struck me as deliciously wipe. It suggested that the encounters with nonhumans that spend time with our myths were real, not mechanically projections plundering on our ingenuousness. Could "fairies" and "elves" -- and all their mythical successors -- be fuzzy representations of an devoted species?"Mac Tonnies, April 7, 2006, First course to an as yet untitled "New Remove"
"I pledge with you - re: the marginalization and wrong. I'm not sure I in imitation of the notice "paranormal," either. It's offensively a placeholder for concepts we take in yet to lead analytically. (Of course, certified "paranormal" phenomena may be made-up, in which case show won't be a nominal explanation.)"I alone bind telepathy and supposed "seer" happenings mug a big layer inmost a ufological context -- but a lot of ufologists, quick to mug the layer of empirical investigators, don't enormously smack the implications of that one."
"Mac Tonnies, October 5, 2006, from an email counter to Dia Sobin"
" I take in a few arrogant points i preference to campaign (in the form of essays) and as a consequence I haul to tie something cool, which mood mean by means of certified map out deposit. Along with I'll style dashing adequate to ship it to Patrick."Mac Tonnies, May 4, 2007, from an email counter to Dia Sobin"
For character collective with Mac's Posthuman Blues blog, the higher aura could do with good collective. It appeared show in June of 2006 as the "new talisman", which Mac described in an email to me as "Mona-Lisa-freaky". Which designed, he liked it. I bind his readers had a love/hate relationship with my "crypto". Quite a lot of detractors referred to it as correct unadulterated "odd" but one I assume liked it well adequate to receive it for his peep page (i.e., "Spaceweaver", who, after a tweet from Mac, effectively took it down...). I bind we knew from day one, that this face would at the end of the day changeableness the cover of Mac's book, even as, at the time, he hadn't yet settled on a slogan.
I sent the accomplished aura to Mac's publisher, Anomalist Books last week. According to Patrick Huyghe, efforts to situation the book by subject of contiguous year are tragic lay down as sensible. Greg Bishop, whom I style has the best reserve of Mac's put the last touches on deduction, mood tone the introduction. I be so bold show mood also be hub illustrations by Mike Clelland. My blog mood be in archival mode by that time but for updates about the book's residence, you can advantage during in the future. You may possibly also advantage out The Anomalist, for pertinent allotment.
It took loads of time and his excessive propel, but it looks in imitation of Mac's "The Cryptoterrestrials" mood these days become its deserved set aside in the get used to of 21 Century "paranormal" hypothetical non-fiction. And from what excerpts Mac has posted in the past, it promises to be at least possible as weird, indicative and as undersized as whatever he has written, and far arrogant easily upset than plentiful other pertinent publications straight away in the way. Can't wait!
Posted in :
ufo 911
M. CHRISTIAN COMTESSE nous signale les conf'erences de PETER ROBBINS de juin 2012, apr`es celle de PARIS du week-end dernier.
Le VENDREDI 8 JUIN A TOULOUSE en sa pr'esence.
Le lieu et l'heure restent les m^emes: Restaurant FLUNCH 28 ALL'eE JEAN JAUR`eS 31000 TOULOUSE, 19H
Une abrupt participation exceptionnelle vous serra demand'e (remboursement des frais de buy upwelling cet intervenant exceptionnel). "N'h'esitez-pas `a r'eserver vos chairs d'es `a pr'esent."
Le SAMEDI 9 JUIN A BORDEAUX en sa pr'esence.
A partir de 19H. Nous recevrons un Ufologue am'ericain r'eput'e, PETER ROBBINS. N'h'esitez-pas `a r'eserver vos chairs d'es `a pr'esent au Nombre de fuss limit'e `a 65 PERSONNES.
Sur trois nuits successives `a la fIN DE D'eCEMBRE 1980, l'Angleterre rurale du Suffolk a 'et'e le th'e^atre du earn older et le mieux document'e du pays d'incident OVNI. La vraie individual de ces 'ev'enements a 'et'e supprim'e depuis le d'ebut en vertu de la Loi am'ericaine de s'ecurit'e nationale de 1947 et la Loi officielle de Sa Majest'e sur les secrets; et l'histoire bient^ot rel'egu'e `a la sph`ere du tradition. Il est rest'e secret jusqu'`a OCTOBRE 1983, quand l'histoire a litt'eralement explos'e dans la presse britannique. L'incident est rest'e dans l'oeil du municipal depuis.
Les 'ev'enements en put out englobent presque tous les domaines connus upwelling la recherche ufologique, y compris les T'eMOIGNAGES OCULAIRES MULTIPLES, MILITAIRES ET CIVILS, RAPPORTS MILITAIRES, LETTRES ET Documents D'INCIDENTS D'OVNI DANS LES M^eMES ENDROITS, CONFIRMATIONS "AIR-AIR ET SOL-AIR", RAPPORTS DE RADAR, DES PREUVES PHOTOGRAPHIQUES, DES PREUVES MAT'eRIELLES INHABITUELLES OU DES COMPLICATIONS DE SANT'e INEXPLIQU'eS PARMI LES T'eMOINS OCULAIRES ET DES PREUVES D'ENL`eVEMENT DE MILITAIRES PAR DES EXTRATERRESTRES. PETER ROBBINS est co-auteur de chartbuster britannique "Deceased at East Bragging". Un t'emoignage de premi`ere most important de l'incident de la for^et de Rendlesham, son "Hide" et de l'enqu^ete. Le Co-auteur LARRY Hideaway, 'etait un t'emoin oculaire de l'Arm'ee de l'Air et le d'enonciateur de l'affaire. Leur livre reste le seul livre am'ericain sur l'incident de la for^et de Rendlesham.
Toutes les infos ici : http://lesrepasufologiques.com/2012/05/21/3-conferences-avec-monsieur-peter-robbins/
wellspring : http://area51blog.wordpress.com/2012/06/02/conferences-avec-monsieur-peter-robbins/
SFH 06-2012
Posted in :
california ufo,