Nine 9 Destinations For Those Interested In Ufos By Clas Svahn






Anyone who is interested in UFOs do not have to travel far to get the chance to be part of something exciting. In Sweden there is a UFO monument, situated at a place to look for strange lights and the world's largest UFO archive.

To make a list of places where the "UFO crowd" can get their fill is not easy. At least not with any guarantee that you also really get to see something that can not be explained. But there is nevertheless a lot that can attract and tickle the curious.

1. As a UFO tourist destination, the city of "ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO" is commonly considered a primary UFO site, as it is the place where an unidentified flying object was (officially) reported to have crashed in the desert outside the city in 1947. The crash has become legend and has given rise to a very large number of books on that historic event. There is also UFO museum dedicated by the city itself to preserving UFO history.

There, anyone interested in looking at models of aliens and get the full story narrated separately. If you want to see the crash site, it's worse because there are several alternative ones. And once you get there it is best to engage the imagination because what there is to see is desert and desert again.

2. "HESSDALEN, NORWAY" is fortunately known for its natural beauty as it can be difficult to fit in this visit with a sighting of a UFO. But the valley, which lies between "TRONDHEIM "and "RoROS, NORWAY", almost at the level as "OSTERSUND", has a long history of strange sightings of luminous phenomena.

In the early 1980s, UFO-SWEDEN and UFO NORWAY, TWO (2) Nordic UFO research organizations, undertook large survey projects in the valley of Hessdale, and a large collection of photos and series of images of strange and anomalous light phenomena were taken. Today, many people travel there to try to get a glimpse of the unknown, but no guarantee is included with the visit.

3. "THE MARTEBO LIGHTS" on "GOTLAND" is a budget trip for those who do not want to travel too far.

And "LYSET", as it is known locally, still attracts many to take a car to the gravel road at "KNUTSTORP" about 30 kilometers north of "VISBY".

The UFO phenomena are reported as brilliant orbs or other types of light phenomena that migrate along the way. The difficulties for those who want to give to scouting is to separate the car lights as regularly seen on the road a good distance away from anything that would be a genuine phenomenon. The story that a light would fly along the route can be traced back to the early 1900s.

4. A safe tourist destination is a Swedish forest that lies on the outskirts of "ANGELHOLM. There, in a clearing not far from SK"aLDERVIKEN beach, stands a monument, fashioned in concrete.

The monument depicts a "flying saucer" with a large antenna and sturdy landing gear and was built by G"oSTA CARLSSON, in the early 1970s.

GOSTA CARLSSON, who eventually got the name "THE POLLEN KING," is famous for having built the city's first ice skating rink and taking R"ogle from ice hockey Division 3 to the top division in the 1960s. But it was an event May 18, 1946 that resulted in the saucer monument. It was at that time that Gosta Carlsson says that he actually met creatures from another world in a landed UFO craft in the glade at Angelholm. Carsslon also stated that the creatures had given him the recipes for several different pollen preparations, which led him to start a business.

5. MARFALJUSEN ("Marfa Lights") are similar in some ways to the "Martebo Lights"," both in terms of appearances and in terms of the cases that remain to be explained. The lights are visible for at least fifty years near ROUTE 67 south of the town of MARFA, TEXAS. The studies that have been done have shown that it is likely case of car lights at great distances which does not prevent many from going there and watching for lights.

6. "MIN MIN LIGHTS" is Australia's answer to "MARFALJUSEN" (OR "THE MARFA LIGHTS" IN TEXAS, USA). Each year this site attracts many curious seekers to a desolate region of eastern part of the country. The first time they met was in 1918 but even these light has slowly been explained by curious researchers who present car lights bouncing on warm layer of air. Most reports are from UFO sightings along the route 62 between Boulia and Winton.

7. AREA 51 is no longer as exciting or mysterious as it once was (when the US military had not yet extended the safety zone, and denied its existence). Then, you could send prying scout towards this super secret area whose very existence was long denied by the US authorities.

AREA 51 is said to hide captured aliens and their craft but that a visitor could hope to see today is big warning signs that proclaim that the guards have the right to open fire as you pass them. The area is part of the EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE and the NEVADA TEST AND TRAINING RANGE and is located in the southern part of the state of Nevada.

8. ARCHIVES UFO"FORSKNING", which now calls itself the more international sounding ARCHIVES FOR THE UNEXPLAINED," is certainly not a tourist destination, but is used by scientists from many countries who want to know more about unidentified flying objects in all its forms and guises. Since 1973, AFU, located in NORRK"oPING, has collected more than 2.2 kilometers of shelf space with material about everything related to the unusual and unexplored phenomenon to do.

Today it is the world's largest archive of its kind. Anyone who is curious can make a visit to the archive's website at -> AFU.SE. If you want to make a personal visit is for the hearing of itself in time because all work is done by volunteers.

9. In Suffolk, Eastern England, lies the RENDLESHAM FOREST, which has also given its name to the most famous "UFOH"aNDELSEN (UFO case) in the UK. In December 1980, military personnel in adjacent air bases several sightings of unknown lights and objects in and around the forest. Today there is a hiking trail that takes visitors to the places where it all took place.




Den som "ar intresserad av ufo beh"over inte resa langt f"or att fa chansen att vara med om nagot sp"annande. I Sverige finns ett ufomonument, en plats att spana efter m"arkliga ljus och v"arldens st"orsta ufoarkiv.

Den som "ar intresserad av ufo beh"over inte resa langt f"or att fa chansen att vara med om nagot sp"annande. I Sverige finns ett ufomonument, en plats att spana efter m"arkliga ljus och v"arldens st"orsta ufoarkiv.
Att g"ora en lista pa platser d"ar den ufointresserade kan fa sitt lystm"ate "ar inte l"att. I alla fall inte med nagon garanti f"or att man ocksa verkligen far se nagot som inte gar att f"orklara. Men det finns trots allt en hel del som kan kittla den nyfikne.

1. Vanligast, men kanske minst sev"ard, som turistmal "ar platsen d"ar ett oidentifierat flygande f"oremal ska ha kraschat i "oknen utanf"or staden ROSWELL i USA 1947. Kraschen har blivit upphov till ett mycket stort antal b"ocker men ocksa till ett museum i sj"alva staden. D"ar kan den som "ar intresserad titta pa modeller av utomjordingar och fa hela historien ber"attad f"or sig. Vill man se sj"alva nedslagsplatsen "ar det v"arre eftersom det finns flera alternativa sadana. Och n"ar man v"al kommer dit "ar det b"ast att koppla in fantasin eftersom det som finns att se "ar "oken och ater "oken.

2. HESSDALEN i Norge "ar som tur "ar k"ant f"or sin vackra natur eftersom det kan vara svart att passa in sitt bes"ok med en observation av ett ufo. Men dalen, som ligger mellan Trondheim och Roros i Norge, n"astan i h"ojd med "Ostersund, har en lang historia av m"arkliga observationer av ljusfenomen. I b"orjan av 1980-talet genomf"orde organisationerna UFO-Sverige och UFO-Norge ett stort unders"okningsprojekt i dalen och en lang rad bilder pa m"arkliga ljusfenomen togs. I dag reser manga dit f"or att f"ors"oka fa en glimt av det ok"anda men nagon garanti f"oljer inte med bes"okaren.

3. MARTEBOLJUSET pa Gotland "ar en budgetvariant f"or den som inte vill resa sa langt. Och Lyset, som det kallas lokalt, lockar fortfarande manga att ta bilen till grusv"agen vid Knutstorp cirka 30 kilometer norr om Visby. Fenomenet rapporteras som lysande klot eller andra typer av ljusfenomen som vandrar l"angs v"agen. Svarigheterna f"or den som vill ge sig till att spana "ar att skilja de billjus som med j"amna mellanrum syns pa v"agen en bra bit l"angre bort fran det som eventuellt skulle vara ett "akta fenomen. Historien om att ett ljus skulle flyga l"angs v"agen gar att spara till b"orjan av 1900-talet.

4. Ett s"akert turistmal "ar Sibirienskogen i utkanten av "Angelholm. D"ar, i en gl"anta inte langt fran Sk"aldervikens strand, star ett monument i betong. Monumentet avbildar ett flygande tefat med en stor antenn och kraftiga landningsst"all och uppf"ordes av G"osta Carlsson i b"orjan av 1970-talet. G"osta Carlsson, som med tiden fick tillnamnet "Pollenkungen", "ar k"and f"or att ha byggt stadens f"orsta ishall och att ha tagit R"ogle fran division 3 till h"ogsta divisionen pa 1960-talet. Men det var en h"andelse den 18 maj 1946 som resulterade i TEFATSMONUMENTET. Da sa sig G"osta Carlsson ha m"ott varelser fran en annan v"arld i en landad farkost i gl"antan. Han pastod ocksa att varelserna gett honom receptet pa olika pollenpreparat vilket fick honom att starta ett f"oretag.

5. MARFALJUSEN liknar pa en del s"att Marteboljuset, bade n"ar det g"aller f"orklaringarna och n"ar det g"aller de fall som aterstar att f"orklara. Ljusen syns sedan minst femtio ar n"ara Route 67 s"oder om staden Marfa i Texas. De unders"okningar som har gjorts har visat att det sannolikt r"or sig om billjus pa stora avstand vilket inte hindrar manga fran att aka dit och spana efter ljusen.

6. MIN MIN-LJUSEN "ar Australiens svar pa Marfaljusen och lockar varje ar manga nyfikna att ta sig till en "odslig region i "ostra delen av landet. F"orsta gangen de sags var 1918 men "aven dessa ljus har med tiden f"orklarats av nyfikna forskare som varande billjus som studsar pa varma lager av luft. Flest rapporter finns l"angs v"ag 62 mellan Boulia och Winton.

7. AREA 51 "ar inte l"angre lika sp"annande som det en gang var da det amerikanska f"orsvaret "annu inte hade utvidgat s"akerhetszonen. Da kunde nyfikna spana in mot detta superhemliga omrade vars existens l"ange f"ornekades av de amerikanska myndigheterna. Area 51 s"ags d"olja tillfangatagna utomjordingar och deras farkoster men det en bes"okare kan hoppas att se "ar i dag stora varningsskyltar som f"orkunnar att vakterna har r"att att "oppna eld som man passerar dem. Omradet "ar en del av Edwards Air Force Base och Nevada Test and Training Range och ligger i s"odra delen av delstaten Nevada.

8. Arkivet f"or ufoforskning, som numera kallar sig f"or det mera internationellt klingande ARCHIVES FOR THE UNEXPLAINED, "ar visserligen inget turistmal men anv"ands av forskare fran manga l"ander som vill veta mer om oidentifierade flygande f"oremal i alla dess skepnader. AFU, som ligger i Norrk"oping, har sedan 1973 samlat mer "an 2,2 hyllkilometer med material om allt som har med ovanliga och outforskade fenomen att g"ora. I dag "ar det v"arldens st"orsta arkiv i sitt slag. Den som "ar nyfiken kan g"ora ett bes"ok pa arkivets webbplats pa Vill man g"ora ett personligt bes"ok g"aller det att h"ora av sig i tid eftersom allt arbete sk"ots av frivilliga.

9. I Suffolk "ostra England ligger skogen RENDLESHAM FOREST som ocksa har fatt ge namn till den mest k"anda ufoh"andelsen i Storbritannien. I december 1980 gjorde milit"ar personal pa de n"araliggande flygbaserna flera iakttagelser av ok"anda ljus och f"oremal i och omkring skogen. I dag finns d"ar en vandringsled som tar bes"okaren till de platser d"ar allt "agde rum.



Categories: Aliens and UFOsAncient Astronauts


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